Sunday, September 24, 2006

The short version

Here are my long-awaited (I don't know how you've all been sleeping at night) before/after pictures. I actually typed out the whole long, painful story, but just as I was uploading the last picture, my computer froze up, and I don't have the energy to do it again. Suffice it to say that while the difference between the beginning and the end seems negligible, three different boxes of hair dye and finally a 3 hour, 4-procedure process at the salon are the undocumented footage. My hair has now been dark brown, horizontally striped lighter brown, black, and slightly green in the past week. (by the way, those weren't all happening at the same time. Each color had its own reign of terror)


Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Janell! Your hair looks so cute, and the color looks great too! Guess I won't follow Casi's suggestion for your birthday, afterall. It helps that you smiled so sweetly, in the after picture, too. Reminds me of those before and after pictures we see in advertising for weight loss, and various makeovers. Notice how they are never smiling, or looking anywhere near pleasant or happy, in the before picture? Of course, that's not what was going on with you; you were just truly disgusted with the whole scene! Yours is not the pitiful, "Woe is me." look, of those people. Yours is one defiance and determination to win this battle with your hair. And you did. You look great!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I have told you lately... I LOVE your hair. The smile is great too!

Mike said...

You didn't label which picture is before and which picture is after, I can't tell by your hair.

RRobinson said...

LOL. I don't think I'm ever going to start dying my hair. My close friend just had a "hair-scare" and hers was purple and took a long trip to the salon for a fix. Now that you've had some trouble, I may never do it. Of course, when I start turning gray I'll be eating my words.....

RRobinson said...

Oh, and it does look BEAUTIFUL now.

Casi said...

Your fan is still waiting.... :)

Casi said...

I check back often to see if you have written a new post (hint, hint) and I crack up everytime I see that first picture of you. Definitely got some attitude going on there! :)

RRobinson said...

Hey! when are you going to post anything new?????
By the way, I am having another girl! Yay!! and I have a blog on xanga and I think if you search runraerun then you might be able to find it. Sorry, I'm not good at the whole URL thing and how to attach links, etc....
Hope everything is going well!

Casi said... do still have fans left (besides me and your mom!) that are still here even though you haven't written in 3 months! :)