Tuesday, April 26, 2011

To be 12

To be 12 is to find unending delight in all things ridiculous.
To be 12 is to inexplicably go through 6 pairs of jeans in 3 days...and only 1 pair of underwear.
To be 12 is to eyeball the last pork chop while you still have your second pork chop on your plate.
To be 12 is to be an ironic combination of complete self absorption and self oblivion - still young enough to think the whole world is looking at you, old enough to wonder what the world thinks of you, but not quite old enough to have any idea.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Heart Melter

Every morning I have to wake Hazel up to feed her and get her ready to go to the sitters,and every morning she just lays there and smiles at me for as long as I let her. Sweet girl.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Say Something

I really love reading other people's blogs, and I check facebook from time to time and enjoy feeling like I know what's going on with my friends - some that I talk to all the time and others I wish I saw more often. But it's pretty rare that I comment. I'm not really sure why - sometimes I'm just busy, other times I don't have anything to say, but more often than not,  it's because I assume they don't need to hear my thoughts - that they probably have lots of other people in their lives that affirm, encourage, and appreciate them. And in most cases that's probably true.

But a few days ago one of my childhood friends left me a generous, thoughtful comment that meant a lot to me, and it caused me to recall a conversation I'd had with another dear friend of mine several months ago. We'd both read the book Bittersweet by Shauna Niequist, and we were talking about the chapter called "Say Something." Basically Shauna just cuts through all the reasons (EXCUSES) why we don't say something when we could - we aren't sure how to comfort someone, we feel awkward, we don't know the right words, we don't feel like they want to hear what we have to say...all of it ends up being about ourselves. She urges her readers to just say something, even if we don't think it's the perfect thing, or even if we doubt we should say anything. In her case, I think she was focusing more on times of grief and loss in others lives, but as my mind revisits this conversation from time to time, I've realized it is foundational to the way we form relationships. There are so many times I have something to say, and I don't say it. Instead of sharing openly and making myself vulnerable, I stay silent and maintain my safe distance.

But after gratefully reading my friend's encouragement, I wondered how many times I've stolen this joy from someone else by keeping my thoughts to myself. So to Ang, thank you for an undeserved but much appreciated comment. I love reading your thoughts, seeing your beautiful girls, and hearing about your ideas, activities, and even what you ate for breakfast. :) And to Casi, thanks for being the kind of friend that makes me think about things like this on a daily basis. You are one of the best "say something" people I know. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

On the up side....

Things that made this morning not so great
  • Getting up at 5:00 am to get the kids and myself ready without Andy there to help
  • Feeling bad for Andy waking up at 4:15 am for his field trip. Sorry you have such a long day today. :(
  • Sweeping up a shattered cereal bowl in the kitchen

Things that made this morning a little better
  • I successfully readied two children and arrived at work early (if you know me, this is shocking)
  • Sweeping my kitchen floor before work. In my mind, only truly remarkable people perform any type of cleaning tasks before work. I plan to operate for the rest of the day under the assumption that I must be a truly remarkable person.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Last night Hazel went to sleep at 8:00 pm. (not 11:30 pm!)

This morning James made his bed and put away his breakfast dishes without being asked.

Hazel has started leaning toward me when she wants me to hold her. (and it's impossible to deny that cute little face!)

James yelled "love you mom" as he ran out the door for the bus and I yelled "love you too" back...and it felt pretty natural.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Trying to hide my smile

I'm currently listening to my boss complain about someone who really wants to be her friend on LinkedIn. First of all she's not a LinkedIn member, and she doesn't really know what it is. Second, she assumes that each time she gets a reminder, this individual personally sent her a message to ask her if they can be friends.

Her: "Why does she want to be friends so bad? Doesn't she have anything else to do other than ask if we can be friends?!  Why can't people just do their work and stop messing with all this website stuff?"

Me: .....deciding that keeping my mouth shut is probably the best option at this point.